diy aquaponics system youtube | Solar Powered Aquaponics

Senin, 22 Februari 2016

diy aquaponics system youtube

The 15 mm StrainerBell siphon has manage to reduce water inflow to growbed hence pump power required is less, it is now possible to make a low cost solar set up due to this. Price of solar panels and its equipment can be less if power requirement is below 20 to 30 watt.
Above diagrams is a simple setup which make use of the 15 mm StrainerBell siphon in a media base flood & drain  growbed over a fish tank and the following components;

  1. 12V/24V 3A/5A Charge Controller
Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">12 VDC 5 watt DC Submersible pump
  • 20 ~ 30 watt Solar Panels
  • Battery

  • Item 1 ~ 3 total cost should not be more than USD 50.00 ~ 60.00 as in ebay, but the battery will be subjective either new or used.

    Excess power from the solar panels is stored to the battery for over night use, the pump and charge controller estimated current requirement is less than 1/2 ampere at 12 volts DC.

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