diy strawberry tower aquaponics | 2010 Aquafair Aquascaping Competition is ON!

Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

diy strawberry tower aquaponics

Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, 25th - 28th Novemeber 2010
- Bench-In: 24th Novemeber 2010, 1pm to 7pm
- Judging: 25th November 2010, TBC
- Prize Giving: TBC

Short summary of Rule and regulation:
1. Entry Fee is RM30
2. Tank Size 1.5ft to 3ft
3. Toys or plastic decorative items will be subject to mark deduction
style="font-family:arial;">4. Participant provide their own tanks, plants, fauna, lighting, etc
5. Organizer will privide stand and 3 plug point per tank
6. ...

detail see below link

or dowload pdf file

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